August 2019

The mind is the editor of each and every experience we have in this life. It is our interpreter that aids us in navigating the mystical twists and turns of worldly existence.

Our thoughts arise naturally, effortlessly, spontaneously, without our intentional will. They come into our awareness, blown by the winds of consciousness rising. Triggered by the inputs to our senses, they manifest into our reality. Witnessed by the quiet of our inner projector. The movie of mother nature in flow plays in its perfection. The mind writes the story before our very eyes.

To view one’s life from the limited perspective of the mind only is like watching a film with the screen switched off. It is dark. There is no colour or beauty. Black and white, with no flexibility for ambiguity or paradox.

Each and every experience that we have is registered by our senses and projected on the inner screen of our mind. The accuracy and clarity of that projection depends simply on the attunement of the sensory machinery. Of this fleshy earth suit and mischievous mind capsule, borrowed for a temporary human experience.

Our mind does not hold our deepest wisdom. Our most profound truths are shared. Pre-verbal they are sensed intuitively and knowingly. Transmitted by the loving messenger of nature. Accessible to all.

Beyond our senses and projections lies pure awareness, our most fundamental source. The very fabric of the screen within, without the projection.

A light that gets brighter with each stroke of the breath. Light and air fuel the inner glow. Embers of bliss keep us anchored and provide our compass. On the brink of nothingness we become everything a human can be.

We become the projector. The projection is clear. The narrative is understood in its poetically paradoxical truth.

Anchored in the knowingness of our inner perfection. The story unfolds beautifully. The shackles of slavery to the mind unleashed. Our potential unveiled.

The matrix decoded.

Blue pill or red?

The wise mind responds:

“Take both…”

And breathe.

200% of life.

Why settle for less?

2 thoughts on “WISE MIND”

  1. Sometimes don’t we just want it all? Why choose when you Can have the best of both (or more) worlds ? But sometimes we have to remember enough is enough. X

    1. Absolutely. This is not about wanting more or seeking more. Often it is in giving up that search or fixation on the material that we truly get to experience the fullness and completeness of the moment. It is about the absolute and relative values of life. Of the never changing peace of our pure nature and the ever changing nature of experience. The choice relates to having awareness of both simultaneously. If we don’t ever truly experience life from a point of being established and aware of our own being/Self we will never experience the ultimate richness of life. Established in being perform action. Do less and accomplish more. Do nothing and accomplish everything. Ya know, that kind of thing 🙂 x

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