October 2019

When I refer to the notion of heaven and hell I am not referring to a physical location that we enter after life.

Heaven and hell can be defined as a perception created by our own interpretation of the present moment.

The quality of our awareness creates our reality.

Perception and interpretation are governed by our senses and the functioning of this corporal machinery that we ride through existence.

If anyone has ever experienced a psychedelic journey they will understand that what our brain processes and the image of our reality that we witness is not fixed.

The world around us is fluid. There are infinite possibilities for how we may view and understand any singular snapshot of our internal and external environment.

When we ingest mind altering substances, or medicines, we can be shown strikingly different versions of the reality we are accustomed and attuned to experiencing.

The magic of mushrooms, or a transcendental experience of the self, can show us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that how we view the world is 100% dependent on our internal environment and that this paints the picture of our external environment.

A powerful trip can open us up to a timeless space where we can see the infinite beauty in all aspects of creation and that we, in our essence, are not separate.

If this is true, that we are not separate in nature from every iota of creation, how can it be possible that heaven and hell can exist separately?

The answer is that they cannot….and do not.

We can experience heaven at the drop of a hat. It is accessible and invites us with its temptation of infinite bliss and pure love.

Equally, hell can suck us into its grips through the powerful weapon of fear.

Our thoughts arise, that we cannot control. What our senses inform us we can modify, but we cannot dominate.

Whether we experience heaven or hell is a choice. It is dictated by the story we write about ourselves and the world.

I invite you to bring more awareness to the thoughts we choose to believe and the stories we create.

This life can confuse without direct experience of truth. Our purpose is to understand our truth and express it.

Our ability to tap into truth is our guiding light that directs us to finding heaven within.

The challenges we face, our resistance and ignorance cause us to slip into a hell realm that overshadows our ever present inner light.

Nurture that inner light. Deepen into it and let it fill you with the knowledge of heaven.

When it fades, don’t cling…

This is a cycle. The cycle of life.

There is night, there is day. Light and dark. They are made of the same substance.

Truth can only be fully experienced in the embrace of paradox.

Heaven is contained within, and hell within heaven.

It’s up to you…

It’s contained within you…

In perfectly balanced equal parts their symbiotic relationship is the fabric of life.

Beyond the gates of heaven and hell lies a mirror.

It’s just you….