Modern science and ancient wisdom both agree that, at the most fundamental level, all existence (including you, I and all living things) are, in essence, made up of vibrating, pulsating energy.

Since time immemorial there have been accounts of humans experiencing this underlying source energy. This peek experience is commonly described as an all-encompassing humming vibration. It manifests in our internal experience as we expand and refine our awareness beyond gross surface level phenomena to the most subtle frequency of being.

In Sanskrit this sound at the source of all existence is called “Anahata Nada” or “The Unstruck Sound”. In other words, it is the only sound that is not created by two (or more) objects striking together. This sound is the sound of primordial energy, of the universe itself, of source. Joseph Campbell aptly describes this sound as similar to the humming vibration of an electrical transformer.

You have probably heard the famous ancient Buddhist koan “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”. On a surface level this riddle may seem to have no logical answer. However, perhaps it points towards knowledge of a sound much more subtle and fundamental than anything on a physical level…

There are many interpretations of this ancient primordial sound, but the one that resonates most with my personal experience is that of the Vedic tradition. They say that the audible sound that best captures this unstruck sound is “OM”.

This ancient mantra is made up of 4 distinct elements. The first three are the vocal sounds A, U, and M, while the fourth is the silence that begins and ends the sound. Each of these elements are in fact representative of 4 distinct states of consciousness:

“A” represents the level of normal waking consciousness where subject/object duality is present. This is the material world.

“U” represents the level of dream consciousness where the subject/object divide becomes blurred as both are contained within our awareness. This is our inner world.

“M” represents the level of deep dreamless sleep. Subject and object no longer exist in our awareness. This is the cosmic night, the underlying field of pure consciousness, infinite potentiality and contains all worldly phenomena.

We can distil the aim of all spiritual endeavour to experiencing (or rather permanently establishing) the third and most subtle level of consciousness while awake. In fact, the term “Yoga” itself means to yoke or join. The pinnacle of yogic teaching can therefore be understood as when we join and unify our waking consciousness with its deepest silent source.

This is what “AUM”, the fourth element, represents. It is the yoking of the first three elements. The unstruck sound that completes and begins the perpetual cycle of all creation. It is the unified vibration and frequency of silence.

Modern science would lead us to believe that our universe was created by the Big Bang, a singular event that gave rise to our universe yet has been and gone. Ancient wisdom and the accounts of innumerable mystics throughout time would lead us to understand that the vibrations and frequencies that correlate with the source of creation are in fact ongoing and eternal. Furthermore, they can be experienced, at any time, within our own human awareness.

You may be asking what the significance of this is? What is the real-world value of this knowledge?

To answer this question, we must first remind ourselves that we are not separate from the universe or any aspect of creation.

In today’s world so many of us are searching for a sense of belonging and connection. As our outer world becomes ever more technologically advanced the result is that we lose touch with our inner world and innate inner technologies.

Rudolph Steiner once stated that “man will continue to create technologies outside of himself until he realises they are all copies of technologies that exist within him or he destroys the world. The question is which will come first.”

Given the current state of our world this is a time for us to reflect and re-evaluate the methods that got us to this point. It is high time we re-connect with ancient wisdom that may help us to create peace and harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

If we as a society have lost touch (for the most part) with the knowledge of our source is it not natural that we may feel lost and disconnected? How can we feel at home when we are cut off from our innate essence?

Furthermore, if contained within the primordial sound is the latent energy, frequency and vibration that gave rise to all creation what are we missing out on by not harnessing and nurturing this connection to source?

What latent human potentials are waiting for us to re-discover if we learn to develop our inner world?

We know that incredible feats and miraculous healing events have been documented throughout history, often attributed to highly evolved spiritual masters and yogis.

Nevertheless, these very teachers always remind us that any power they have is accessible and attainable for every single human being with no exception.

We are currently experiencing a time in the world where many of us are living in fear during a global pandemic. Furthermore, our health as a global society is falling apart. Yet, we continue to put our faith in external powers (modern technologies and governments) to provide the solution. Unfortunately, most of us overlook our own internal powers and the effect this can have on the world as we cultivate them.

Simply put, many of us are living in a state of chronic dis-ease and dis-connection. Our planet and the very fabric of our societies are suffering as a result. We are caught in a perpetual search outside of ourselves for a solution to our existential angst. With each Facebook like, with each hit of dopamine in a world of instant and illusory gratification, we are drawn further away from our source.

Saint Francis of Assisi once said: “What you are looking for is what is looking”. An apt pointer as to the direction of observation and enquiry required to truly find our way back home as humans. It is just as pertinent today, if not even more so.

We exist in a paradigm where modern science and technology has become our new religion. The end goal is one of complete control and domination over nature. It is a path that, if Steiner’s prophecy turns out to be correct, will lead to the destruction of humanity.

Perhaps we are being lead astray by our new faith? It certainly seems as though our continual pursuit for more and greater external advancement is spiralling out of control to the detriment of our inner peace and happiness.

Has our society gone mad? Have we lost touch with reality in the truest and most fundamental meaning of the word?

Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. With that in mind, we must at least admit that the modern mission of continually seeking fulfilment and salvation though external means is built on somewhat shaky and elusive foundations.

Nikola Tesla famously said that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.

This may all sound good on paper, but you might be asking yourself what is the practical application of all this? How does AUM and esoteric concepts relating to the sound of silence help me in my day to day?

To answer this it is useful to note the AUM is also referred to as Prananva, a Sanskrit word which means both controller of life force (prana) and life-giver (infuser of prana). Prana also means breath (wherein lies a potential clue). It is our breath (prana) that connects us to our primordial source of pure consciousness.

Now, there are many methods and techniques that can help us to experience union with source and validate for ourselves the truth behind this ancient wisdom from yoga to breathwork and pranayama or even certain consciousness-altering substances.

It is an experience that I would best describe as an orgasm of the soul.

As one’s awareness settles beyond any external point of reference our mind’s eye is filled with golden white light. As we surrender and allow the light to wash over us we are filled with an ever growing and expanding sense of bliss. As we deepen further into the experience and let go of any construct or notion of I or a separate self we can transcend the light.

Beyond the light we hear, feel and become the primordial vibration. As we continue to surrender the vibration intensifies and the frequency can be allowed to rise infinitely until we dissolve into absolute nothingness…only to emerge from the thundering washing machine of creation and back into the beautiful light of our highest self.

Another way to describe it would be to experience death and rebirth without losing consciousness for a moment.

As we come out from this experience, we are filled with an innate knowing that this experience is the pinnacle of human pleasure. A knowingness dawns that this is the completion of an inward/outward cycle as our own awareness becomes aware of its very own source and creator.

The reason why I am writing this post is firstly to educate myself more deeply on the topic and secondly to serve as a memoir, a reminder to myself to document this beautiful experience. Moreover, I would also like to encourage others to go within and develop their connection with the subtler realms of creation.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said that all knowledge is structured in consciousness. As I still attempt to process and come to terms with this experience a takeaway that I can communicate is that within this vibration of AUM lies a field of untapped knowledge and unlimited potentialities for human existence. Therein perhaps lies the secrets to the universe, as eluded to by Mr. Tesla.

However, and most importantly for my own personal life journey, it was made very clear to me that by accessing this level of awareness and truly coming back home for the first time, we can unlock the potential to heal anything. Any dis-ease in essence is one of a lack of life force. A misalignment with source, which cuts us off from the energy we require to heal and maintain health.

Within that primordial vibration lies not only the ancient secrets of creation and our universe but also the energy, frequency and vibration to heal. It contains within it the power to heal us individually, collectively and restore the health of our planet.

It is a knowledge and power contained within its own supremely subtle and all-encompassing vibration.

It is our birthright of love, light and good vibes only.

Spread the word.


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