December 2013

I am so grateful for my wonderful loving family that knows when to listen and when to push.

Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life. So is today. I’m trying to live in the present you see. Feel the power of now and live up to my full potential.

Magical moments seem scarce and hard to come by sometimes. This is simply because we forget how to see the magic that is constantly going on around us and flowing through us.

I feel that it is time to start remembering and forget about my forgetfulness, my tiredness.

Wayne Dyer has inspired me to remember this truth. I speak of an inspiration to go within, into my spirit, like the word suggests, but so many of us overlook. I have decided to change the way I see and in order to do so I will have to change my mind. This is the sole way to solve a problem and I plan to overcome mine. Spiritually.

I came to this realisation and turning point beautifully. Sitting under the night sky and looking out over my hometown Skelmersdale from the vantage point of the beacon I began to see the place I was born and grew up in under a new light. It was not a bad place, it was my attitude that was bad.

Blissfully immersed in the wise words of the aforementioned teacher I experienced my first moment of true magic in years. As I returned home and entered the garden I sat on the beach to hear the rest of the lesson I had been so deeply absorbed in. I felt truly happy. Peaceful. Free from all negativity and filled with positivity and wonderment.

As one tape came to an end I saw a shooting star in the crisp and clear November sky. What a beautiful coincidence I thought to myself. Moments later I saw another. This when I remembered that coincidences do not exist, but magic does. Our universe fits together perfectly, It is the uni-verse, one song. Fundamentally, all is one and nothing is separate.

I am not separate. I am not alone. Life is found in layers and the nature of life is to grow. I am life and from the deepest layer I will grow.