August 2015

Experiencing the self and trusting it unconditionally is key for happiness.

When we have realised our true being we can then gain perspective on all the other layers of life. We are no longer a slave to the fickle nature of the mind, we get into the driving seat, which means we can put on cruise control, ride the flow of nature and see through the illusions of reality. We are anchored in truth. We are rooted in peace and bursting with satisfaction and fulfilment. We are established in being, while performing action (yogastha kuru karmani).

In order to maintain the field of being within sight, it is important to trust. Doubts can arise, which may overshadow the peace of our innocent and natural awareness. These doubts can become stronger if believed and manifest into fear and other negative emotions.

Trusting keeps us open and allows us to experience love. Love and bliss are the most essential qualities of existence. They are the first feelings that arise as we come back from transcending, from contacting the source of our being. They are the fabric of reality, the building blocks of life.

“Love is trust. It has no expectations. It is trusting the divine.” – Yogi Tea

Doubt is a barrier to love. To dispel doubt we must trust the divine, the divine nature of our inner truth, our simplest form of awareness. From this place we can fill our lives with love and bliss. Trust is the key to happiness and fulfilment.

Trust is love…