September 2019

Each and every moment is a palpable flow of inner and outer synergy. The flow of our inner consciousness resonates with the field around us and signals to our senses what the perception of our experience will be.

With every step we take the subtle laws of nature gift and guide us with pointers towards the ultimate perfection.

Life is church. The doors are open now.

Go with the flow. Relax, breathe. Your soul knows the direction you need to go.

Surrender to inner knowingness. Invite yourself into the upper room. It is not a struggle. It is not an attainment. It is simply falling back and letting go of control.

Free fall into the abyss of each moment and trust in the comforting, warm and innocent embrace of mother nature in its greatest purity.

The landing is soft. There is no need to fear.

We are not separate. Separation is born of the intellect. The experience of tuning into the frequency of flow is unmistakeable. Do not doubt it.

Know it. Own it. Be it. Resonate with it. Embody it. Share it.

It is for everyone.

It is everyone.

The currents of nature flow through each and every one of us each and every second.

It is beautiful.

Open your eyes.


And then know.

The currents of nature bring you to where you need to be and teach you what you need to know. Unbeknownst to us there is a direction.

Align yourself with that direction and trust the path.

One step at a time.

Be gentle.

Each destination a singular wonder of the world.

Be grateful.

This journey is precious, not long.

Sing your song.

The one you were destined to sing.

We are all human.

We are all imperfect.

Know yourself beyond judgement.

Transcend paradox.

Let the winds of innate natural wisdom guide you.

Don’t fear. Don’t resist.

The laws of nature flow through you.

In love, we become.

In love, the currents of life charge our battery.

Energy beyond our wildest imagination.

Saturated by peace.




The ripples of experience come and go.

Ever changing.

The current takes charge.

Life takes form.

Nature’s eternal dance moves on.

Shhhhhhhh……my dear.

Quiet now little one.

The time will come.

And it will pass.

Glow in the flow.

Deeper and deeper.

Brighter and brighter.

Light your heart on fire.




Our natural home. Is not a destination.

It is seeing where you really are.

Come back.

You are always welcome.

You never even left.