August 2019

The mind is the editor of each and every experience we have in this life. It is our interpreter that aids us in navigating the mystical twists and turns of worldly existence.

Our thoughts arise naturally, effortlessly, spontaneously, without our intentional will. They come into our awareness, blown by the winds of consciousness rising. Triggered by the inputs to our senses, they manifest into our reality. Witnessed by the quiet of our inner projector. The movie of mother nature in flow plays in its perfection. The mind writes the story before our very eyes.

To view one’s life from the limited perspective of the mind only is like watching a film with the screen switched off. It is dark. There is no colour or beauty. Black and white, with no flexibility for ambiguity or paradox.

Each and every experience that we have is registered by our senses and projected on the inner screen of our mind. The accuracy and clarity of that projection depends simply on the attunement of the sensory machinery. Of this fleshy earth suit and mischievous mind capsule, borrowed for a temporary human experience.

Our mind does not hold our deepest wisdom. Our most profound truths are shared. Pre-verbal they are sensed intuitively and knowingly. Transmitted by the loving messenger of nature. Accessible to all.

Beyond our senses and projections lies pure awareness, our most fundamental source. The very fabric of the screen within, without the projection.

A light that gets brighter with each stroke of the breath. Light and air fuel the inner glow. Embers of bliss keep us anchored and provide our compass. On the brink of nothingness we become everything a human can be.

We become the projector. The projection is clear. The narrative is understood in its poetically paradoxical truth.

Anchored in the knowingness of our inner perfection. The story unfolds beautifully. The shackles of slavery to the mind unleashed. Our potential unveiled.

The matrix decoded.

Blue pill or red?

The wise mind responds:

“Take both…”

And breathe.

200% of life.

Why settle for less?


August 2019

It is in our own awareness that we can see the most subtle fabric of all aspects of creation.

What is this fabric? Where does it come from? What is it made of? Is it vegan?

It is essence. It is pure. It is innate. It is clear. It is light. It is isness.

But, what is it?

It is what it is. It is all that is and everything in between.

It is the middle ground and the extremes. It is both and. Yet, it is more still. And less.

Understand this and you will have gained nothing. And everything simultaneously both before and after your realisation.

It may twist your tongue and confuddle your brain.

It will blow your hair right back and left forwards.

It’s force may be with you.



February 2014

To not get caught up in the ups and downs of daily life is quite the challenge.

It is in observing this challenge that I know I will find my way to realising my full potential and innate nature.

Through “analysis paralysis” I feel I have lost touch with that which never leaves, but sometimes feels distant. My joyful being. Where are you today?

Joy and sadness may be made of the same thing, and through both windows for growth open before us.

Nonetheless, I seem to be growing weary of growing pains. Why can’t I relax? Why can’t I let go? Is it fear that is holding me back? Or is it a growing wisdom that needs to develop fully?

The answer?

Trust in life and life will trust in you…

Be present and the presence will dissolve the paradox you believe yourself to be.


December 2013

For as long as I can remember I have always had a kind of innate belief that any suffering or turmoil in one’s life was ultimately for a greater good. That through problems and overcoming them we become stronger and that difficulty is a natural part of evolution.

However, at the same time, due to the amount of unfavourable life situations in which I have found myself, I have always felt that I was a victim of bad karma, an unlucky child, who seemed to be continuously dealt terrible cards.

Nonetheless, I developed a very convincing poker face and people admired me for the way I laughed in the face of problems and illnesses. By adopting the attitude that “nothing matters” I suppressed emotions, bottled up desires and lived with a numb feeling of sorrow for myself. Most importantly, I did not learn from my problems, which has stopped me from truly moving forward and growing as a human being.

Today I feel that I have realised where I went wrong. Ultimately, no material thing is of great importance, but personal and collective spiritual evolution is. Stagnation and repetition is not natural. The nature of life is to grow.

Although we may perceive problems as inherently bad this is not true. Life is made up of opposites. Rest allows for activity, mud allows a seed or flower to grow. Is one intrinsically better or worse than the other?

I may have been right, on one level, that my life situations have been a result of bad karma. However, nobody is a helpless victim to their karma. Karma simply means action. You cannot change your actions in your past, but you can become more aware of your actions in the present so as to sow the seeds of good fortune in the future. This must take place in the present by taking full advantage of the power of now as Eckhart would say.

Karma can be overcome in three ways:

  1. By unconsciously paying your karmic debt, as I have done in the past.
  2. By transforming your karma, using your situation to give to others for the greater good of humanity.
  3. To transcend your karma. To go deep within and find that place inside where there is no imperfection – one’s true Self.

It is this realisation that has empowered me to change myself, and my life situation. In doing so I wish to make the world a happier, more fulfilled, healthy and enlightened place.

Every single person on the planet has a dharma to fulfil, a unique calling in life that they can perform better than anyone else. The guide to finding your dharma is your excitement. Follow your excitement. Your heart will lead you to where you want to go. Rumi would agree.

In order to find my dharma I need to reconnect with what I am passionate about and rekindle that inspiration within me. I need to let go of future plans, mental projections of desires and fixed outcomes.

Detachment is the key, but I vow not to fall into the trap of despondency that stifled my true spirit for so many years. I will trust in nature, let myself be guided by the wisdom of uncertainty.

I promise not seek security over pleasure. I will do what drives me and inspires me, regardless of the opinion of others, and most importantly, regardless of outcome.

To live your life guided by love with detachment from outcome is the key to personal and collective success and great happiness.

These are my two greatest desires.


December 2013

I am so grateful for my wonderful loving family that knows when to listen and when to push.

Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life. So is today. I’m trying to live in the present you see. Feel the power of now and live up to my full potential.

Magical moments seem scarce and hard to come by sometimes. This is simply because we forget how to see the magic that is constantly going on around us and flowing through us.

I feel that it is time to start remembering and forget about my forgetfulness, my tiredness.

Wayne Dyer has inspired me to remember this truth. I speak of an inspiration to go within, into my spirit, like the word suggests, but so many of us overlook. I have decided to change the way I see and in order to do so I will have to change my mind. This is the sole way to solve a problem and I plan to overcome mine. Spiritually.

I came to this realisation and turning point beautifully. Sitting under the night sky and looking out over my hometown Skelmersdale from the vantage point of the beacon I began to see the place I was born and grew up in under a new light. It was not a bad place, it was my attitude that was bad.

Blissfully immersed in the wise words of the aforementioned teacher I experienced my first moment of true magic in years. As I returned home and entered the garden I sat on the beach to hear the rest of the lesson I had been so deeply absorbed in. I felt truly happy. Peaceful. Free from all negativity and filled with positivity and wonderment.

As one tape came to an end I saw a shooting star in the crisp and clear November sky. What a beautiful coincidence I thought to myself. Moments later I saw another. This when I remembered that coincidences do not exist, but magic does. Our universe fits together perfectly, It is the uni-verse, one song. Fundamentally, all is one and nothing is separate.

I am not separate. I am not alone. Life is found in layers and the nature of life is to grow. I am life and from the deepest layer I will grow.