NURTURE THE LIGHT – An illuminating non-conclusion on Covid-19

May 2020

Are we perhaps simultaneously dealing with a pandemic of fact versus fiction? Of sincerity versus deception? Of truth versus lies?

Of doubt versus discernment?

Of fear versus love?

Is there an unspoken war of light versus dark that is muddying the waters?

From where I stand you don’t have to believe or not believe anything. You don’t have to figure it all out or have certainty over any single narrative.

That’s for sure.

There is a hidden value in this situation with it’s contradictory theories and conflicting stories.  

The value lies in self-enquiry. To evaluate what you truly know to be true.

To truly be honest with yourself. To be willing, even just as a thought experiment, to challenge and go beyond all your limiting beliefs.

To simply be prepared to let go of needing to know, if even just for a moment, clears the way for light.

This light allows you to reconnect with your intuition. A deeper and more trustworthy part of your human nature.

Nurture that inner light. It is sacred.

That is how you will find discernment. Even then it’s a deepening process to trust your intuition. Intuition arises from a timeless space, but requires time to establish and hone it’s accuracy.

To see a lie sandwiched between two truths nourishes discernment. To discern truth sandwiched between two lies builds confidence.

You should not rush to definitive or divisive conclusions using your mind alone. It’s better to come to a place of intuitive knowing, which in turn will sharpen your intellect. Still, even then, it’s prudent to remain humble and open to being wrong.

The pandemic is an invitation to reconnect more deeply to ourselves, to nurture our inner light and connect with others more authentically.

Find the light. Hold the light. Share the light.

It will show you the path back home.

Don’t be afraid. Light dissolves fear.

You may get lost, for a little while.

You may make mistakes along the way.

Trust and let the light guide you.

Light contains the truth.

The truth is light. Darkness is heavy.

Come home. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay humble.

Home is where the heart is.

It’s warm and bright inside.

Find comfort there. And then share.

Put your own mask on first.

There is always a choice.

Trust the light.

Chose love not fear.