29th August 2019

What is true richness?

You might respond with a material answer of how many zeros you earn or have in your bank account. However, the truth of the matter is that richness is not defined by any monetary value or financial worth. The value of richness is related to the definition of our subjective experience.

Let me explain…

It is commonly believed that we live in a material world where the physical objects are viewed and understood in the same way by each individual. A chair is a chair, the grass is green, the sky is blue.

This is not the truth. These are simply labels that we have created and agreed upon in our collective cultural awareness. It only requires us to consider the labels we use in other languages and cultures to begin to understand that an object can have many definitions and be interpreted in a multitude of ways. A chair in English is una silla in Spanish. A camera to an indigenous person may be interpreted as a tool to steal a soul. Cultural conditioning shapes and defines our view and understanding of reality.

With this knowledge we can begin to see that the nature of our reality is not fixed. What we see is always an interpretation of our reality, mediated by our senses, and understood by a mind that can trick us with its quick conclusions and contracted egoic programming.

What is real then you might ask? How do we find truth? Where does the solution to collective agreement lie?

The truth of our experience must be understood by going back to the source, by experiencing the foundation of our reality. Once we know the origin of experience, beyond the chatter and confusion of the mind, we can see clearly. The world around us transforms tangibly and our experience is saturated with a sense of completeness, connectedness, and a shimmering depth of perception.

Beyond our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we can find true stability and clarity. It is though transcendence that we can enrich our experience and the very thing we view and believe to be reality.

Fast cars and sexy girls. Show me the money. Power. Corruption. Greed. These are all aspects of life. The path to experience true richness does not deny our shadow or sweep it under the rug. The lightness of our awareness expands and encompasses it, embraces it, and diffuses it.

The more we settle and establish ourselves in the subtler and deeper levels of our awareness we do not escape seemingly negative or challenging aspects of life. We simply see them for what they are. We do not cling, resist, identify or believe too strongly. We let it flow and we come back home, to the awareness of our inner perfection.

From the vantage point of inner perfection the windows of perception are cleared.

A clear perception results in a highly different subjective experience of the world around us as our inner glow emanates outwardly.

Now, don’t misunderstand me, objects still have their form, nature still has its shapes. The events that take place still do occur. However, when established in the truth of pure awareness, the definition of those objects appears differently. The shapes and forms remain, but the clarity is dialed up. The events and circumstances are interpreted in the knowingness of their ultimate perfection.

The chair is not just a chair, it is a vibrant masterpiece made of the same building blocks as the source of our being. The grass is still green, but it shimmers with a brilliance that is not separate from the fabric of our awareness. The sky is blue, painted on a canvas that is you.

A fullness of experience that can be equated to watching life in high definition.

Upgrade your inner TV and the movie will never be the same.

Truth will shine through.

This is not a material world. What really matters, what is of real substance, is eternal and formless.

It forms the foundation to every aspect of existence and enriches every worldly experience.

Be and be rich.

This is what I call life in HD.

True richness.

Next step VR…