August 2019

In being we flow into the poetic ups and downs of being authentically human. In our purest and simplest form of awareness we hear, understand and appreciate the natural knowingness and gentle whispers of mother nature.

It is beyond our conscious mind in the eternal simplicity of nothingness that the underlying foundations of life and the universe lie.

The small mind may create difficulties and weave a tapestry of misleading stories and interpretations. However, when we bring our awareness to its simplest foundation, the way in which we view and interpret our environment drastically changes. Our interpretations of any given situation or circumstance are simply projections of our own conditioning and thought habits.

When we settle in the space beyond the mind, at the very source of thought, we begin to clearly see the ephemeral nature of thinking. We are not these thoughts or beliefs. We are beyond. Beyond the beyond.

Inner light. Inner stillness.

Inner and outer, surrender.

Absolute surrender.

What is necessary arises. What is required happens, effortlessly. What is understood is felt, knowingly. What is loved is sensed, deeply. The smoothness of living in being is held lightly and savoured delightfully.

In being, we bow down in peace and surrender.

To support of mother nature.

Note to self…