May 2019

Dial up, dial in. Sign in, check out. Display, validate. Rinse and repeat.

The human experience is one of continual search. This body mind, a sense organ of the infinite, whose feelers are always reaching for that sensation of unification.

The more we reach, the more we stretch, the further away the illusive paradox gets. The more we fill our minds, the more empty we feel. The more fulfilment eludes.

What is connection? To better know others? To better understand ourselves? To feel our heart come alive? To experience fully? To trust?

Loneliness arises when we do not feel fully connected to our core. As we settle into our pure nature, beyond the mind, a realm opens up where our vision of reality is saturated with wholeness. An overwhelming sensation of completeness fills our perspective.

Connection is beyond separation. Separation is a concept and feeling only understood and felt in the mind and body.

We may encounter a special individual that sparks a transcendence of difference. The chemistry shifts our inner perspective of other to an experience of heartfelt sameness.

What is the fuel that sparks this shift?


The physical world is defined by one constant only: change. We do not build a house without foundation. We do not leave a boat at the mercy of the ever-changing tides. We must not love with conditions.

True connection is not an experience. It is a state. It is permeated with the knowledge that the deepest emptiness is contained within infinite wholeness.

If we let that “state” of complete and utter emptiness fill us up, it spills outward. In its pure, compassionate and loving nature it flows.

In this flow it finds itself in others. It sees its own reflection in the beauty of its own glow.

Shimmering, it opens doors. It creates. It unifies.

It connects. It brings you home. Back to where you belong. Back to where you have always been.

The fog of forgetfulness lifts and the memory of it all shines back through the windows of perception.

“Without the within the outer wears thin…”

Don’t look back. Go inwards, move forwards. Bridge the gap. Be the gap. Fill the gap.

Let it be, let it go, let it flow.

You know…

You always have been and always will be…
