August 2015

Experiencing the self and trusting it unconditionally is key for happiness.

When we have realised our true being we can then gain perspective on all the other layers of life. We are no longer a slave to the fickle nature of the mind, we get into the driving seat, which means we can put on cruise control, ride the flow of nature and see through the illusions of reality. We are anchored in truth. We are rooted in peace and bursting with satisfaction and fulfilment. We are established in being, while performing action (yogastha kuru karmani).

In order to maintain the field of being within sight, it is important to trust. Doubts can arise, which may overshadow the peace of our innocent and natural awareness. These doubts can become stronger if believed and manifest into fear and other negative emotions.

Trusting keeps us open and allows us to experience love. Love and bliss are the most essential qualities of existence. They are the first feelings that arise as we come back from transcending, from contacting the source of our being. They are the fabric of reality, the building blocks of life.

“Love is trust. It has no expectations. It is trusting the divine.” – Yogi Tea

Doubt is a barrier to love. To dispel doubt we must trust the divine, the divine nature of our inner truth, our simplest form of awareness. From this place we can fill our lives with love and bliss. Trust is the key to happiness and fulfilment.

Trust is love…


August 2015

We all know that our thoughts are immensely powerful and that we have the capacity to fulfil our desires. The problem is that most of us have never learned how to think.

A thought on the gross level of the mind is a weak thought. The key to correct thinking is settling the mind down so that we are conscious of our own awareness, our simplest form of being, and to gently project thought from this subtle level. Learning to operate from this space gives our thought immense power and gifts us the power to fulfil our desires.

Starting from ground zero when it comes to thought and action enables us to see how the mind, intellect and emotions function.

My recent experiences have shown me that when we are in this settled state of awareness, of pure being, we can better understand the inner workings of our own being. From the semi-transcendent state, or sanyama level, a subtle thought can be introduced. This faint idea gives rise to an impulse of desire, which then changes into a feeling or sensation in the body. This feeling or sensation then generates a thought on the gross level.

For success in life it is vital to think and act from the subtle sanyama level. To recognise our subtle thoughts, emotions and desires before they lose their power at the gross level of the mind, which cannot be fully trusted. The mind is too distant from the truth of our pure being. The mind is prone to distorting the true nature of reality.

We can trust from a transcendental level. From the vantage point of this safehouse we can clearly see how faint impulses arise from the simplest form of awareness, which turn into feelings or emotions, which in turn give rise to thought.

Given the nature of the mind and the fact that it has been conditioned heavily by the belief systems of our world today, allowing the mind to govern our lives is foolish and will inevitably result in selling yourself short in terms of your potential as a human being.

The mind is unable to fathom the vastness and limitless power of your true Self. Therefore, when we experience the real value of our inner nature it can be difficult to know what to think, how to understand it, and how to put it into words.

As a result, it is very easy for doubt to creep in. The mind tries to rationalise our experience and this can lead to the experience being overlooked. We doubt the simplicity of our true nature and the immediate attainability of fulfilment and happiness. Thus, the mind regains control and we fall back into the trap of unnecessary suffering.

In this sense, when we are servants to the mind rather than servants to our Self our potential is limited. The mind is the limiting factor that prevents us from experiencing the joy of being our true Self.

In my case, doubt is the primary means by which my mind tries to undermine my being and gain the upper hand.

I therefore vouch to doubt the doubter. Trust is key…


August 2019

In being we flow into the poetic ups and downs of being authentically human. In our purest and simplest form of awareness we hear, understand and appreciate the natural knowingness and gentle whispers of mother nature.

It is beyond our conscious mind in the eternal simplicity of nothingness that the underlying foundations of life and the universe lie.

The small mind may create difficulties and weave a tapestry of misleading stories and interpretations. However, when we bring our awareness to its simplest foundation, the way in which we view and interpret our environment drastically changes. Our interpretations of any given situation or circumstance are simply projections of our own conditioning and thought habits.

When we settle in the space beyond the mind, at the very source of thought, we begin to clearly see the ephemeral nature of thinking. We are not these thoughts or beliefs. We are beyond. Beyond the beyond.

Inner light. Inner stillness.

Inner and outer, surrender.

Absolute surrender.

What is necessary arises. What is required happens, effortlessly. What is understood is felt, knowingly. What is loved is sensed, deeply. The smoothness of living in being is held lightly and savoured delightfully.

In being, we bow down in peace and surrender.

To support of mother nature.

Note to self…


“Within expression there is infinite freedom and potential. Expression is the form of our consciousness. Its nature is to expand and know it’s own potential more deeply without the obstruction of limitations.”



Time for breakfast
time for dinner
time for bed
the endless cycle endures.

A single thread
that we cut
with the hands of a clock
and the sharpness of our dulled minds.

Edward’s scissors
a handy tool
for separation
of the unified

Weaving our ways along
fumbling to grasp
the complex intricacies 
of human existence
the simplicity of nature.

What times is it?
You might be wondering…
You might reply.

Each passing moment
transformed in the mind
to past, to future
to good, to bad
is permeated
and glowing
with the eternal
ever present

Indeed, the answer remains the same
always and forever.

Time for breakfast
time for dinner
time for bed

time for change
time for truth
time for timelessness

April 2015


May 2019

Dial up, dial in. Sign in, check out. Display, validate. Rinse and repeat.

The human experience is one of continual search. This body mind, a sense organ of the infinite, whose feelers are always reaching for that sensation of unification.

The more we reach, the more we stretch, the further away the illusive paradox gets. The more we fill our minds, the more empty we feel. The more fulfilment eludes.

What is connection? To better know others? To better understand ourselves? To feel our heart come alive? To experience fully? To trust?

Loneliness arises when we do not feel fully connected to our core. As we settle into our pure nature, beyond the mind, a realm opens up where our vision of reality is saturated with wholeness. An overwhelming sensation of completeness fills our perspective.

Connection is beyond separation. Separation is a concept and feeling only understood and felt in the mind and body.

We may encounter a special individual that sparks a transcendence of difference. The chemistry shifts our inner perspective of other to an experience of heartfelt sameness.

What is the fuel that sparks this shift?


The physical world is defined by one constant only: change. We do not build a house without foundation. We do not leave a boat at the mercy of the ever-changing tides. We must not love with conditions.

True connection is not an experience. It is a state. It is permeated with the knowledge that the deepest emptiness is contained within infinite wholeness.

If we let that “state” of complete and utter emptiness fill us up, it spills outward. In its pure, compassionate and loving nature it flows.

In this flow it finds itself in others. It sees its own reflection in the beauty of its own glow.

Shimmering, it opens doors. It creates. It unifies.

It connects. It brings you home. Back to where you belong. Back to where you have always been.

The fog of forgetfulness lifts and the memory of it all shines back through the windows of perception.

“Without the within the outer wears thin…”

Don’t look back. Go inwards, move forwards. Bridge the gap. Be the gap. Fill the gap.

Let it be, let it go, let it flow.

You know…

You always have been and always will be…
